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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Form Factor

Definition: The proportion of the root mean square an incentive to the normal estimation of a substituting amount (current or voltage) is called Form Factor. The normal of all the quick estimations of current and voltage more than one complete cycle is known as the normal estimation of the exchanging amounts.

Mathematically, it is expressed as:

Ir.m.s and Er.m.s are the roots mean square estimations of the current and the voltage individually, and Iav and Eav are the normal estimations of the rotating current and the voltage separately. 

For the current differing sinusoidally, the Form Factor is given as: 

The estimation of Form Factor is 1.11 

There is a connection between the pinnacle esteem, the normal worth, and the root implies square (R.M.S) estimation of a rotating amount. In this way, to communicate the connection between all these three amounts, the two variables are utilized, to be specific as Peak Factor and Form Factor. 

The Form Factor for the different sinusoidal waveforms are as per the following: 

For a sine wave, it is Ï€/2√2 = 1.11072073 

For a half-wave amended sine wave, it is Ï€/2 = 1.5707963 

For a full-wave amended sine wave, it is Ï€/2√2 = 1.11072073 

For a square wave, it is equivalent to 1 

For triangle waveform, it is 2/√3 = 1.15470054 

For sawtooth waveform, it is 2/√3 = 1.15470054 


                                                  This is about the structure factor.

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